How grasslands will be managed going forward
Parks and Open Space and Highways manage the grasslands on road verges, parks and within residential areas. For more information and advice on managing grasslands on privately owned land and non-local authority owned spaces (for example, community councils) get in touch with the Vale Local Nature Partnership.
Amenity cuts (cut every 3 weeks)
Conservation cuts (no cut during the flowering season April-September)
Rural verges, residential verges and designated areas within parks and open spaces
These areas will be cut in early spring and autumn using a cut-and-collect machine, if appropriate, the arisings will be left in piles on site, and some sites may have edge-cuts throughout the growing seasons to maintain a neat appearance.
Visibility Splay Cuts (Cut as required; up to 3 times during flowering season in non-urban areas and every 3 weeks within urban areas)
Areas by junctions, roundabouts, bendy roads to increase visibility for motorists
Vision splays on strategic and non-strategic networks are cut early May, with verges on the strategic network cut another two occasions and on the non-strategic route an additional cut if required
Roadside verges and grasslands included in the scheme will be marked using signage.