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Business Support

Find information, advice and guidance for your business or organisation, and all the latest funding and partnership opportunities in the Vale of Glamorgan and beyond.

Our economic development team are here to guide you to appropriate funding and opportunities to invest, relocate or grow your business in the Vale of Glamorgan.   

Vale Economy Logo - bilingual


Vale of Glamorgan Business Support

The Vale of Glamorgan Council will be keeping businesses updated with the latest information on this webpage.  It will be updated on a regular basis to include the latest funding and initiatives for businesses. 

  • We can help to: 
    • facilitate confidential discussions with key partners including Welsh and UK Government support agencies such as Trade; Invest Wales and Business Wales;
    • help you forge links with other businesses in the region;
    • run business workshops and events;
    • support procurement and supply chain opportunities;
    • provide information on planning and other legislation;
    • work with you to look at development and investment opportunities;
    • give you access to statistics and other information relating to the Vale of Glamorgan;
    • signpost to sources of funding; and
    • host your business in one of our many business units. 
  • Vale of Glamorgan Business Support:  
    • If you would like to register your interest in receiving email updates regarding business support please complete our Business Contact Form.
    • If you would also like us to keep you informed about the services, events and opportunities for businesses, along with receiving our fornightly newsletter, please complete the GDPR consent form and select 'Opt in'. 



Vale Business Start-Up Bursary

The Vale Business Start-Up Bursary scheme is a regeneration and economic development initiative led by the Vale of Glamorgan Council in partnership with various public, private and voluntary section organisations. 


The purpose of the bursary is to promote conditions which will help entrepreneurs implement their business idea. This can include providing advice and expert support to develop a business idea, providing the necessary equipment or resources to start a business and helping with business location costs. 


Find out more


Commercial Improvement Grant

The Commercial Improvement Grant will provide support for the improvements and maintenance works to enhance the front elevation of commercial and retail properties in the Vale of Glamorgan and improve the quality of the internal trading area including accessibility.  


Find out more


Empty Commercial Properties

Are you looking for an empty commercial property in the Vale of Glamorgan for your business?  Our property database has the most up to date listings of land and property currently available in the Vale of Glamorgan.


Find out more


Workshops and Starter Units

One of the many ways in which the Vale of Glamorgan Council helps lcoal business is by providing workshop units for start-up and small businesses.

Find out more



Invest in the Vale (2)

Funding (2)
Information (2a)
Business 2 Business
Advice (2)




Invest in the Vale image1

Invest in the Vale of Glamorgan

This brochure has given us the opportunity to celebrate all that is unique about working and living in the Vale and showcases the range of extremely successful business. 

The Council will continue to work hard to promote the Vale of Glamorgan in partnership with CCRCD as an attractive location for inward investment and looks forward to working with you in the future. 



Download the Invest in the Vale Brochure


Barry Story Image

The Barry Story

A place for business and innovation, connected to the world.

Barry is unique in Britain. Nowhere else offers international industrial history and golden seaside resort in such proximity. 


Click on the brochure to learn more about Barry past and present. 



Download the Barry Story


Get in Touch

Should you still have questions after visiting the site, please call or email the economic development team for assistance.

The Vale of Glamorgan Council is committed to protecting your privacy when you use Council services.


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