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Play Friendly Schools 

We are looking for schools with a passion for play and a commitment to increase play opportunities for children and young people, as well as the wider community.

What does it mean to be a Play Friendly School?

  • Include Play in School Policy

  • Increase Play Training for Staff

  • Improve Community Access for Play in Your School Grounds

  • Introduce Play Champions in Your School

  • Play Workshops for Parents/Carers


Include play in school policiesPlay Friendly Schools Policy

Play Wales recommends that schools that wish to provide a rich play environment for children adopt a play policy. A school play policy states the value that the school places on children’s play and commits itself to supporting children’s play opportunities. Play Wales have produced a sample school play policy that may be used in its entirety or adapted to suit the needs of the school.


Increase play training for school staff

Play Friendly Schools Training

Raising awareness of the importance of play within your school. Vale Play Team work alongside Adult Learning Wales to deliver accredited Playwork training, we can offer the following training opportunities to your staff team including teachers, learning support assistants, caretakers, lunchtime supervisors, volunteers:

  • Introduction to Playwork (Level One)
  • Level Two Award in Playwork Practice (L2APP)
  • Award in Transition to Playwork (Level 3)
  • Managing a Holiday Play Scheme (MAHPS Level 3)
  • Playwork; Principles into Practice (P3 - Level 3 Playwork Diploma)

Improve community access for play in school groundsPlay Friendly Schools Grounds

Throughout Wales many school grounds offer a significant resource for children’s play. School grounds often represent the only area of open space where children can play within their local community. Likewise, some schools offer the only flat surface locally where children learn to ride bikes and play with their scooters and skateboards. By becoming a Play Friendly School, you will commit to opening your school grounds, outside of school hours, for the purpose of community play. 


Play Friendly Schools ChampionsIntroduce Play Champions in schools

Play Champions will advocate for play across your school, they will be the lead contact for all things play! Play Champions can be any adults and children within your school with a passion for play!



Play Workshops for Parents/CarersPlay Friendly Schools Workshops

Parents and carers are important supporters of play for children – no matter how old they are. Facilitating play workshops can help parents and carers give children time, space, and support to play at home and in their local community.


Play Friendly Schools EN

Becoming a Play Friendly School 

For more information on our Play Friendly Schools initiative please contact


All the information on this webpage can be found in our Play Friendly Schools leaflet which you can download here:


Play Friendly Schools Leaflet