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Healthy Living Team (Sports and Physical Activity Development)

We aim to increase the number of people taking part in sports and physical activity opportunities to increase their health and wellbeing


We lead on the development of the Vale Sport and Physical Activity plan, and work with a range of partners to create new and develop existing activities for residents of all ages. Along with our partners we organise a range of events and taster activities at times throughout the year. This helps us to work towards the Vale’s vision of creating ‘more active communities for a healthier future’ and the vision for sport in Wales where ‘everyone can have a lifetime enjoyment of sport’.   


To find out more about our projects, events, taster activities or to discuss a project you would like to develop please contact a member of our team or email


You can also keep an eye on our social media platforms for infomation on current projects, events, taster activities and opportunities.


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  • ValeSportTeam1     
  • ValeSportTeam1   

Instagram - valesportsteam1

You Tube - Vale Healthy Living Team


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Thanks to National Lottery players, £30 million is raised every week for good causes.


The National Lottery has given over £377m to sports clubs and projects in Wales over the last 29 years.




 Check out the video below to see some of the projects we are involved with.