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Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM)

The Vale of Glamorgan Council is a Welsh Risk Management Authority; acting as both a Lead Local Flood Authority and a Coastal Erosion Risk Management Authority. 


The County Borough covers an area of 420 square kilometres, and has a coastline 45 kilometres in length. The borough is predominantly rural in nature with some urbanised areas. Similarly the coastline is largely natural in form, including the Glamorgan Heritage Coast, with more managed sections of coast adjacent to more developed areas such as Barry.



In accordance with Flood Risk Regulations 2009 and the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 the Council as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) will prepare plans to identify the flood risk areas within its administrative area.


It will work alongside other flood risk agencies to ensure that its flood risk management activities are in line with the Welsh Government’s National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy.


  • Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA)
    The PFRA process aims to provide a high level overview of flood risk from local flood sources, including surface water, groundwater, ordinary watercourses, canals and lakes. The Environment Agency (EA) is responsible for preparing deliverables of the Flood Risk Regulations for Main River and the sea.


    A Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment has been prepared to meet the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s duties to manage local flood risk and deliver the requirements of the Flood Risk Regulations (2009).  Annex 1 of the PFRA records past floods and their significant consequences. Annex 2 identifies predicted future flooding and the significant consequences. No indicative Flood Risk Areas have been identified within the Vale of Glamorgan


    The PFRA will be reviewed by 22 June 2017 and every six years thereafter.


    Addendum Report December 2017

    Executive Summary


  • Identifying Significant Flood Risk Areas
    Flood Risk Areas are areas of significant risk identified on the basis of the findings of the PFRA, national criteria set by the Welsh Minister and guidance provided by Natural Resources Wales.


    No Flood Risk Areas have been identified within the Vale of Glamorgan. For information, Natural Resources Wales have produced a map showing all the Flood Risk Areas in Wales identified in PFRAs. 


  •  Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
     The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 places a responsibility upon the Vale of Glamorgan Council, as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), to develop, maintain, apply and monitor a strategy for local flood risk management (a ‘Local Strategy’). In the development of a Local Strategy, the LLFA will balance the needs of communities, the economy and the environment.

Asset Management

Lead local authorities have a duty to compile and maintain a register under the FWMA 2010, they should:

  • record of information about each of those structures or features
  • this should include information about ownership and state of repair
  • the authority will arrange for the register to be available for inspection at all reasonable times
  • establish and maintain a register of structures or features which, in the opinion of the authority, are likely to have a significant effect on a flood risk in its area


Investigation and Reporting on Flood Incidents

Each LLFA has to investigate all flood events and prepare and publish a report on each event.  To report a flooding incident contact:


Engineering Environment Team

Vale of Glamorgan Council

Visible Services & Housing

Alps Depot
