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Resident Parking Permits

You can apply for a resident parking permit if you're a resident of a street where there is resident only parking or limited waiting parking with exemption for residents.


Please note: Resident parking permits and visitor parking permits are not renewed automatically. It is the permit holder’s responsibility to renew their permit annually. To renew your permit re-apply online or via post.


Vehicles must not exceed 2.44m (8ft) in height and 5.49m (18ft) in length.


Resident parking permits are annual and valid until the end of the issuing month the following year. (i.e. if you applied on 02 April 2024, the permit would expire 30 April 2025).


  • It is the permit holders responsibility to renew their permits before expiry date
  • Failure to display a valid permit could result in a penalty charge notice (PCN)

Residents may apply for one visitor permit per household and may only be used by visitors to a property for short term parking.


Resident parking permit holders must ensure that:

  • The permit is displayed clearly in the windscreen of their vehicle so that it can be read from outside the vehicle
  • The permit is valid and not expired
  • The registration number and street is correct

All permits have holograms and are issued using a special pen with fade and water resistant ink. Your permit will show the street/zone that the permit is valid for including the vehicle registration mark and date of expiry. Any other markings or attempt at defacing the permit will automatically null & void the permit and the Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) can take action & issue a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).


Blue Badge holders can park in designated resident parking bays and areas / zones for a maximum of 3 hours during controlled hours subject to displaying the time clock and complying with all other conditions of Blue Badge scheme.


Please read Resident Parking Control Policy for full details.


What You Need to Apply

To apply for a permit you must provide evidence that you live at the address and have proof of ownership or use of the vehicle. Please remember to enclose a copy of your evidence of residency and vehicle ownership.

Please apply on line for a permit however postal applications are accepted but do take longer, please do not send original documents with your postal application.  


For proof of residency one of the following must be provided:

  • Official Rent Book/Tenancy Agreement (signed by landlord)
  • Bank or Building Society Statement (dated within 3 months of application)
  • Council Tax or Utility Bill (covering 3 month period prior to application)
  • Solicitors letter confirming completion of purchase of property


For proof of ownership or use of vehicle one of the following must be provided:

  • Vehicle registration document - (logbook / V5)
  • Certificate of motor insurance - (showing vehicle registration and name)
  • Letter from lease company or employer


Apply for a Resident Parking Permit


Please Remember:

  • Anyone living at the residence may apply for a resident parking permit for vehicles assigned to them at that address

  • Permits must only be used in the vehicles and in the streets/zones they are issued

  • If you live on a corner property which adjoins two streets that have resident parking, you can nominate which street/zone you wish to use 

  • Permits are valid for one year and must be renewed annually


Apply for a Resident Parking Permit Online


Alternatively, download and complete an application form and return by post, including a stamped addressed envelope, to:


Vale of Glamorgan Council,

The Alps Depot,

Alps Quarry Road,




Apply for a Visitor Parking Permit


Please Remember:

  • The permit is given to visitors on arrival to be displayed in their vehicle during their stay

  • Only one visitor permit allowed per address

  • The permit is valid for one year and must be renewed annually



Apply for a Visitor Parking Permit Online


Alternatively, download and complete an application form and return by post, including a stamped addressed envelope, to:


Vale of Glamorgan Council,

The Alps Depot,

Alps Quarry Road,




Replacement Parking Permits - Lost or Destroyed Permits Only

You can apply for a replacement permit if your parking permit is still valid but has been:

  • Lost

  • Stolen

  • Accidentally destroyed


Download and complete an application form and return by post to:


Vale of Glamorgan Council,

The Alps Depot,

Alps Quarry Road,





  • Who can apply for a Resident Parking Permit and is there a limit to the number per household?
     Anyone living at an address in an area covered by Resident Parking Controls may apply for a permit for any vehicles owned and registered to them at that address. Resident parking permits must only be used in the vehicles in the streets or zone they are issued.
  • Can I apply for a Residents Parking Permit for a company car?
     Yes as long as this is your primary residence and you provide proof from your company that the vehicle is for your sole use. The vehicle must not exceed 2.44m in height or 5.49m in length; has no more than eight seats in addition to the drivers seat or exceed a maximum mass of 3.5 tonnes.  
  • Who can apply for a visitor permit and is there a limit to the number you can apply for?
     Residents may also apply for one visitor parking permit per property, regardless of whether there is a vehicle registered to that address. Visitors permits can only be used by visitors and for short term parking. 
  • There are never any free spaces near my house, can I park in the next street over?
     Unfortunately not, at this present time the permit is only valid for the street or zone that you live on. If you live on a corner plot and both adjoining streets have permit parking, you can choose which street/zone you wish to allocate for your permit.
  • Is there a vehicular size limit?

     Yes, vehicles which exceed 2.44M in height and 5.49M in length or have more than eight seats, in addition to the drivers seat, or exceeds a maximum mass of 3.5 tonnes will not be eligible for a resident parking permit, in Resident Parking Bay schemes where there are marked bays.

    However, in designated Resident Permit Parking Areas where there are no marked bays, motor caravans and campervans which exceed 2.44 m in height and 5.49 m in length or exceed a maximum mass of 3.5 tonnes will be eligible for Resident Parking Permit as long as the vehicle is registered at the property. Visitor Permits are NOT permitted for such vehicles in these areas.

  • If I change my vehicle is my Resident Parking Permit still valid?
     Permits are strictly non-transferable. If you have or intend to change your vehicle you will need to apply for a new Residents Parking Permit, as soon as possible. As your current permit will not be valid for your new vehicle. Please remember it is the residents responsibility to ensure that they allow ample time for the new permit to be processed to avoid enforcement action.
  • What happens if I have any work done on my house?
     Trade vehicles will need to display a valid visitor permit for each day they park on the public highway in a Resident Parking Control area.
  • Will a parking permit guarantee me the right to park outside my house?
     No, we can not reserve parking spaces for groups or individuals. However, by preventing commuters from parking in your street/zone, this will make it much more likely you'll find a parking space near your home.
  • How is the scheme enforced?
     Civil Parking Officers have real time access to the permit database; allowing them to check if any vehicle has valid permission for the location in which it's parked. 
  • Can we have a Resident Parking Scheme in our street?
     Please refer to the Resident Scheme web page for further information on this.



The provision of resident parking permits specifically precludes new developments which would be expected to provide suitable parking on site.