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Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTROs)

A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) is the legal process used to temporarily stop or limit vehicles or pedestrians on the highway.


TTROs can last up to 18 months and can be applied to roads, footways or Public Rights of Way (PRoWs).


TTROs are most commonly used for the following:

  • To allow essential or emergency works to be safely carried out on the highway, such as correcting dangerous defects, installation or maintenance works to gas, electricity and water services

  • For various events, for example road closures for sporting, social and charity* events (*In some instances the fee can be reduced for charity events)

  • For works next to the highway such as large developments

TTROs are made under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and can be made to cover planned situations or an urgent notice can be issued if the regulation is needed for emergency situations.


TTROs can take between 8 and 12 weeks to process because we have to:

  • Tell the police, emergency and other services such as bus operators and waste services as closures often impact others

  • We notify the public by advertisements (notices) in the local press before we make the Temporary Regulation Order (TTRO)

  • Legal officers will write up the order and this will be placed out on site in advance of any closure


You'll need to abide by the following:

  • Notify all residents and commercial properties to ensure that they know about your proposed works/event

  • Have appropriate temporary traffic management bilingual signage in place which the Network Management team have approved for you. These are to be provided at your cost and promptly removed following on from the expiry date


Cost involved

The current cost of application is £680.00, and this cost covers time for officers to review, discuss and process your application with officers in Legal Services, including all sharing of details with external stakeholders. This cost will increase slightly year on year and updates can be found on the Council’s current Fees and Charges page.


Legal fees can vary in costs depending on the size of the TTRO and the volume of work involved with publishing and typically this can vary from £800-1500 per application.


How to apply for a TTRO

The network management team will be more than happy to assist in any event and discuss options with you: