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Trees and Hedges

Find out whether a tree or hedge is protected. Make an application for works to protected trees and hedges or complain about a high hedge.

Protected Trees

TrBeech Treeees within the Vale of Glamorgan are protected in a number of ways, either  through the designation of a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), by being located within one of the 39 local Conservation Areas (TCA) or by being a part of a protected woodland or hedgerow. You can find out whether a tree is protected by a TPO or is within a Conservation Area on our Interactive Map. A copy of the Order itself can be viewed on the Council’s web site, on the Planning Register


If the tree(s) is protected, formal consent is required from the Council prior to commencing any work. This applies whether the proposed work involves tree maintenance / felling or where work is required to the tree as a result of the proposed development. 


Tree Works 

You can apply for works to trees on the Planning Portal or by submitting the following form:



Protected Hedgerows 

hedgerow-field-springThe Hedgerow Regulations 1997 protect important hedgerows by controlling their removal through a system of notification. Under the Regulations, it is unlawful to remove or destroy most countryside hedgerows (excluding those forming garden boundaries) without the written permission of the local planning authority. Where proposals involve the removal of a hedgerow, permission must first be gained from the Council, using the hedgerow removal application form below:



If you are uncertain about whether your proposed works are affected by the Regulations, you are advised to submit a Hedgerow Removal Notice to the Council for determination. 

Supplementary Planning Guidance

Trees, Woodlands, Hedgerows and Development SPG 2018



For or more information see the Council's approved Trees, Woodlands, Hedgerows and Development SPG.






High Hedge Complaint

If you are concerned about a high hedge affecting your property you have rights under the Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003. 


The legislation only relates to a high hedge, which is a barrier to light formed wholly or predominantly by a line of two or more evergreen or semi-evergreen trees or shrubs to a height of more than 2 metres above ground level.


The Act makes it clear that where the height of a neighbouring hedge is a concern, the best way to deal with the issue is to discuss it amicably and to agree a solution. For this reason, the law requires people to take reasonable steps to try to settle their hedge dispute before complaining to the local Council. 


If you have done this and now wish to make a complaint please complete the Complaint FormGuidance Notes are available. In the event of a formal complaint being submitted and accepted, a fee of £320 will be payable.