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Attendance and Education Welfare

Support and advice regarding attendance of schools in the Vale of Glamorgan


We understand that sometimes getting your children up and out on time every morning can be difficult, particularly if your child doesn't want to go for some reason.


However, it is in their best interest if they attend school, so here are some ways you can help get them out of the house and to school on time.


We know that children who miss even small amounts of education can fall behind quickly and can miss out on many opportunities. Being late on a regular basis can also cause social as well as academic problems.


What can I do to make sure my child attends school?

  • Make sure you know the school's attendance policy; every school has one.

  • Make sure your child arrives on time to start both the morning and afternoon sessions.

  • If you suspect that your child may be missing school or is unhappy at school, contact the school or the Inclusion Team who can  help resolve any difficulties and offer friendly advice.

  • If your child does miss school, get in touch with the school. School staff will work with you to help improve the situation. It's better to contact us first so that we can make sure steps are taken to help you.

  • If your child is away for other reasons like a doctor's appointment or the dentist, let the school know in advance.

  • Make sure your child knows that you do not approve of them missing school for any reason, but be on the alert for any particular reasons for not attending school, like bullying, difficulties with school-work.

  • Take an interest in your child's education, ask them what they did in school and find out if they are struggling in any way and offer your support. If you can't help them, speak to the school and let them know of any difficulties.


I'm still struggling to send my child to school.

Let your school know that you would like help and support and what your concerns are. They may be able to help and they may make a referral to the Inclusion Team for more support for your child and for you.


You can email at any time for advice and guidance:


We will work with you and the school to make sure your child gets support or tackle any issues which may be preventing them from going to school. 


It is important that you try to get help for attendance issues as soon as possible before the concerns get bigger and harder to resolve.


If there are no valid reasons for non-attendance then there are legal measures that may be started which can include the issue of Fixed penalty Notices (FPN)s and or school Education Act prosecutions. 


Again if you have a concern about any of these matters please get in touch as soon as possible:
