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Sustainable Communities for Learning Community Benefits

As part of the programme to refurbish and build new schools, the construction contractors will collaborate with third and public sector projects to deliver a range of community benefits.


The Council’s Sustainable Communities for Learning programme aims to provide long-term social, environmental and economic benefits to schools and the wider community.

To achieve these wider programme aims, our appointed contractors are required to deliver on a range of community benefits targets.

The targets are set as part of the procurement process and are consistently higher than the minimum required by Welsh Government.

Targets include;

  • Supporting small local businesses

  • Training and upskilling new workforce entrants

  • School STEM engagements

  • Wider community in-kind support


Examples of community benefits delivered in Band A

The community benefits delivered under Band A of the Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme have already contributed towards the sustainable development of the Vale of Glamorgan by supporting improvements in economic, social, and environmental well-being. Some of the outcomes are as follows:


  • Over £12,000 worth of engagement sessions with schools, enabling children to learn about the exciting world of construction

  • 15,637 weeks-worth of new entrant employment, apprenticeships, and training, helping more people get into work

  • Supported local organisations with donations of equipment or labour, creating better community spaces

St Cyres - Trees


Community benefits delivered so far in Band B

Contractors were appointed for the Barry Secondary Learning Community (BSLC) scheme in early 2019 and for the Western Vale Primary (WVP) scheme in 2020, community benefits are being delivered alongside construction works. The contractors appointed for the Cowbridge Primary Provision and Dderw Newydd, formally known as Centre for Learning and Wellbeing (CLWB) schemes have also been contributing towards wider community benefits. For more information about these schemes, visit the main Sustainable Communities for Learning page.


Between January 2019 – June 2023 the programme has delivered:

  • Over 13,226 person weeks of New Entrant Jobs

  • Over 7,677 person weeks of New Entrant Training

  • Over 12,082 hours of school STEM engagements

  • 35 supply chain engagement events

  • 82% construction spend within Wales (average)

  • 85% of subcontractors based in Wales

  • 50% of the workforce coming from the local postcode


Newsletter 2024


 Sustainability Case Study

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