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Equipment and Adaptations

Some people may require equipment and adaptations to help them to remain as safe and independent as possible in their own home. 


In order to obtain a provision from Social Services, a person must have a permanent and substantial impairment that affects their ability to function at home. The Health Service may also make provision of equipment for short term need of up to 3 months.


The assessment will either be completed by Occupational Therapy staff or by a specialist Sensory Impairment worker.


When to Refer:

  • Do you have difficulty washing or bathing?

  • Do you struggle to get on and off the toilet, chairs or your bed?


  • Do you have concerns about your safety due to your impairment?

  • Is access around your home difficult for you?

  • Do you feel that you are at risk of injuring yourself because of the way you are being lifted, or as a carer, the way you are lifting a person?


  • Do you struggle to get around or carry out activities due to your visual impairment?

  • Do you find it difficult to hear the television, or other things around the house even though you already wear a hearing aid?


If the answer to any of these is yes, assessment may lead to advice or guidance or provision of suitable equipment and/or adaptations. 


Equipment is loaned by a number of agencies. As a general rule:

  • Social Services are responsible for equipment that relates to activities of daily living or safety in the home. The equipment is for long term need.

  • The Health Authority will provide equipment when there is a short term need, for example when recovering from surgery.

  • Education Department can provide equipment that is necessary for the child to attend school or be educated.


Equipment provided by the Health Authority is provided free of charge on loan.


Social Services do not provide equipment that costs under £15. All other equipment is loaned free of charge.


If equipment is no longer required, it should be returned to the loan store that issued it.


There are a number of adaptations that can be carried out in a person’s home to allow them to get around independently and safely. These may include:

  • Making it easier to get in and out of a property by, for example, fitting rails, widening doors and installing ramps

  • Making it easier to get around inside the house and giving access to bedroom, living room, bathroom and toilet. This may be through provision of stair and grab rails, installing a lift or adapting the bathroom with rails or a shower.

  • Improving lighting for a person with a visual impairment.

  • Improving access and movement around the home to enable the disabled person to care for another person who lives at the property, such as a spouse, child or another person whom the disabled person cares.

  • Improve access to and from the garden where feasible.

  • There is no charge for minor works that cost under £1,000. These will be identified following assessment by the relevant team.

  • Works costing over £1,000 in privately owned or privately rented homes will be subject to a financial assessment (for people who need the works who are aged over 18) They are provided through provision of a Disabled Facilities Grant.   


If work is required in a property owned by a Housing Association, the Occupational Therapist will complete an assessment. A request will then be sent to the Housing Association for them to arrange completion of the recommended works.


How to Refer for an Assessment

Please follow this link if you would like to be referred for an assessment by the Occupational Therapy Team. 

(This form is for referrals for adults only. If you wish to refer a child for an assessment you should make contact with Children & Young People Services on 01446 704284, or for more information visit the Children with Additional Needs web page.)


Occupational Therapy Referral Form


This team is able to assess for and advise on provision of and funding for equipment or adaptations that may help you to remain safe and independent in your home. Some equipment – such as wheelchairs, commodes, walking equipment is provided by other agencies. For these you should contact your GP surgery who will be able to make a referral.


Alternatively, contact:


Civic Office, Holton Road, Barry CF63 4RU

  • Text C1V then your message to 60066


For referrals for a child to be assessed by an Occupational Therapist please contact:

  • 01446 704244