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Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapists employed within Social Services provide functional assessments for disabled people, regardless of age, in order to help them reach their maximum level of independence in their own home.


You can make a referral for an Occupational Therapy assessment by writing to or calling C1V, you may need to refer yourself for Occupation Therapy because:

  • You have difficulties with managing personal care, such as getting to the toilet, bathing, dressing or eating.
  • You have difficulties with carrying out transfers such as getting on and off chairs, or into and out of bed.
  • You experience problems with mobility and access to essential facilities, such as climbing steps and stairs, access to and from the home or access within the home.


The assessment will take into account your personal circumstances and the needs of your family and/or carers. We can offer advice on a different approach to solving a problem, if necessary in conjunction with support from other organisations.  In appropriate circumstances we can:

  • arrange the provision of minor adaptations, such as stair rails and grab rails to assist with access and mobility
  • make recommendations for a Disabled Facilities Grant from the Vale of Glamorgan Council, to provide major adaptations to the home, such as a stair lift or wheelchair accessible facilities


Make a Referral 

We accept referrals from individuals, family and friends, as well as from other professionals. Because of the high volume of referrals for Occupational Therapy services, we have to prioritise our assistance. High priority is given to people who are:

  • Suffering from a terminal illness
  • Where there are safety issues in providing care
  • Where there is a breakdown in someone’s care arrangements, which puts an individual at risk.


Please follow this link if you would like to be referred for an assessment by the Occupational Therapy Team.


Occupational Therapy Referral Form


This team is able to assess for and advise on provision of and funding for equipment or adaptations that may help you to remain safe and independent in your home. Some equipment – such as wheelchairs, commodes, walking equipment is provided by other agencies. For these you should contact your GP surgery who will be able to make a referral.