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Residential Care Homes in the Vale of Glamorgan

Residential care is often provided for people that may have difficulty living independently, however, some people prefer to live in a residential care facility due to it providing security, social interaction and ongoing support and assistance that is unobtainable through care at home (i.e. domiciliary care).


Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW)

Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) are the regulators for social care and Social Services in Wales and aim to provide independent assurances about the quality and availability of Social Care in Wales. A directory of social care services registered with CIW can be found on their website:




Vale of Glamorgan Council Residential Homes: 

The Vale of Glamorgan Council has four Residential Homes:



Residential home image
  • We offer long term and respite support to frail older people and older people with a dementia 

  • We offer emergency respite accommodation and support

  • We operate an integrated six bed reablement facillity (utilised as a Quarantine Unit during the COVID crisis for people unable to comply with isolation requirements)

We do not provide Nursing Care in the homes, but residents have access to community /health services such as Primary Health Services, Therapeutic support, Dentist, Optician, Chiropody, District Nurse, and Community Psychiatric and Dementia support services. 

Approved Care Homes in the Vale of Glamorgan

The Approved Care Provider listings provide information regarding social care providers who are registered with the Care Inspectorate for Wales (CIW) and have been approved or accredited to provide care services on behalf of the Vale of Glamorgan Council: 


Care Homes in the Vale of Glamorgan

You can find more information on all residential and nursing care homes, in the Vale and surrounding areas, by visiting the Care Homes Wales website (powered by Dewis Cymru): 



