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Keeping Children Safe

Information for families and providers on keeping children safe in the physical and digital world



Bullying is behaviour that hurts someone else – such as name calling, hitting, pushing, spreading rumours, threatening or undermining someone.


It can happen anywhere – at school, at home or online. It’s usually repeated over a long period of time and can hurt a child both physically and emotionally.


Bullying that happens online, using social networks, games and mobile phones, is often called cyberbullying. A child can feel like there’s no escape because it can happen wherever they are, at any time of day or night. - NSPCC

No parent likes to think about their child being bullied or, even worse, being a bully but the fact is, more than half of all children are involved – either as a perpetrator, victim or witness.


All schools in the Vale of Glamorgan have an Anti-Bullying Policy. Sadly, school action alone cannot guarantee it stops, so it is important that you work together with your child’s school.


If you have concerns there are resources to help you:


BullyingUK has an essential guide for parents and carers. Bullying UK provides helpful information and advice about different types of bullying, talking to your child about bullying, spotting signs and making a complaint.


NSPCC provide direct support and help for children and young people and provide expert training and consultancy to anyone working with children. 


Childline can help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. Childline is free, confidential and available any time, day and night.


Bullies Out is an organisation that works with schools, colleges and organisations to stamp out bullying. It has lots of advice for parents and young people.


YoungMinds  offer support to young people on feelings and mental health symptoms, how to cope and where to get help, there is also a guide for parents and carers to download.

Hate Crime

Hate incidents and hate crime happen because of prejudice or hostility based on a person's disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or transgender identity.


Hate crime can be any criminal or non-criminal act such as graffiti, vandalism to a property, name calling, assault or online abuse using social media.


Childline have an #UnderstandMe campaign which encourages young people to speak out and seek help for race and faith based bullying.

Resources that may help you can be found online:


Hate crimes often go unreported, leaving offenders free to commit further offences. If you or someone you know has been the victim of a hate crime, please make sure that it gets reported.


Report your concerns to:


Keeping Children Safe Online


The internet is amazing. Children can play, learn, create and connect - opening up a whole world of exciting possibilities. But with the digital world changing all the time, how can you make sure your child’s staying safe?


NSPCC have teamed up with O2 to help keep children safe when they’re using the internet, social networks, apps, games and more.



Vale Libraries have put together their own Cyber Safety resources online for Children, Young People and Parents / Carers:



Think U Know empowers children and young people to identify the risks they may face online and know where they can go for support. The information is divided into age ranges and includes information for Parents/Carers and Children’s Workforce.




Everyone has a responsibility to keep children and young people safe.


All organisations that work with or come into contact with children should have safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure that every child, regardless of their age, ability, gender, religion or ethnicity, can be protected from harm.


Setting up and following good safeguarding policies and procedures means children are safe from adults and other children who might pose a risk.


This includes voluntary and community organisations, faith groups, private sector providers, as well as schools, hospitals and sports clubs.


NSPCC have information on what organisations need to do to protect children from harm:



The Regional Safeguarding Children Board (RSCB) is a Multi-Agency Partnership that has responsibility for working together to oversee the safety and well-being of children and young people throughout Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.


The website provides information, advice and guidance to the public, children, young people, parents & carers and professionals whose work brings them into contact with children and their families.



If you are concerned about the wellbeing of a child, contact Vale of Glamorgan Intake and Family Support Team:

  • 01446 725202


You can contact Emergency Duty if you have a concern about a child outside office hours:

  • 029 2078 8570

  • Evenings

  • Weekends

  • Bank Holidays


 *If you think a child is in immediate danger of being harmed, contact 999 and tell the police*