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Active Travel Schemes and Safe Routes in Communities Projects

These are the current Active Travel and Safe Routes in Communities (SRiC) schemes being developed by the Council.


Sustrans - Children with bikes

Active Travel funding comes from Welsh Government in the form of a dedicated grant, known as core allocation, and larger grants for specific projects which local authorities must bid for in a competitive process.


In addition the Council receives sustainable transport Section 106 financial contributions, when new developments are constructed, which is used to improve active travel and public transport services in a localised area.


Active Travel is about connecting people with their communities.  We want people to be proud of where they are from and feel safe walking or cycling around their local neighbourhoods.  It's also about looking after our environment.  Active Travel is an easy way to build exercise into your day, which will help your mental and physical health.


We want to make active travel options the first choice for the residents of the Vale of Glamorgan.


Current projects:

  • Barry to Dinas Powys Active Travel Route (updated 13.8.24)

    Welsh Government Active Travel Core Allocation funding is being used to continue the development of a walking/cycling link between Barry and Dinas Powys.


    Route consultation was undertaken in 2022 and the consultation report is available.


    Public consultation was held on the final route design in June 2024.  The consultation report, and recommendations, can be viewed here:  Consultation Report June 2024


    Work planned during FY24-25 will include discussions with land owners, Natural Resources Wales and the Council's planning department.


    Plans of proposed AT route that was subject to public consultation in June 2024:

    Overview - plan of whole route

    Sheet 1 - Barry to Green Lane

    Sheet 2 - Green Lane/Parc Bryn y Don to Heol y Frenhines

    Sheet 3 - Heol y Frenhines to St Cadoc's Avenue

  • Waycock Cross to Cardiff Airport Active Travel Route (updated 13.8.24) 

    Welsh Government Active Travel Core Allocation funding is being used to complete the detailed design of a walking and cycling route from Waycock Cross to the Airport.  By providing this route it will allow users to cycle/walk from Culverhouse Cross to Rhoose, and also from the A48 Sycamore Cross along the Five Mile Lane.


    The work comprises a 1.7 mile footway/cycleway link.


    Public consultation on this proposal was held between 11 October and 1st November 2022.  The consultation report is availabe here:  Active Travel consultation report


    Work planned during FY24-25 will include discussions with land owners and the completion of detailed design ready for public consultation in December 2024.


    Plans of proposed AT route that was subject to public consultation in October 2022:

    Sheet 1 - Barry to Dragon Tail roundabout 

    Sheet 2 - Dragon Tail roundabout to Airport 


  • Sully to Cosmeston Active Travel Improvement (updated 22.4.24) 

    Welsh Government Active Travel funding has been awarded to complete the detailed design of an improved active travel route connecting Sully to Cosmeston.


    The work comprises a 1.6 miles footway/cycleway link from Sully to Cosmeston and associated works to include crossing facilities and junction improvements.


    Public consultation was held on route options in March 2022.

    Public consultation on the proposed route was held in April 2023.


    A recommendation from the consultation in 2023 was to explore the disused railway line from Arlington Road to The Vineyard.  This has been explored during FY23/24 and the decision has been taken not to progress this option.  The improved walking, wheeling and cycling path will leave Sully along Lavernock Road and cross to the disused railway line at The Vineyard.  This will then link to the existing path at Railway Walk.


    Work planned during FY24-25 will include discussions with land owners, Natural Resources Wales and the Council's planning department.

  • Active Travel Improvements - East of Barry (updated 22.4.24) 

    Welsh Government Active Travel Funding has been awarded in FY24/25 to make improvements to several pedestrian routes identified on the Active Travel Network Map in the east of Barry - these link to schools and key destinations.


    Public consultation was held in December 2023 on identified improvements.


    During 2024 there will be an options and feasibility report considering cycle improvements to Coldbrook Road East.  Public consultation will be launched in the summer of 2024.


    Pedestrian improvements on Langlands Road and Dobbins Road started in May 2024.

  • School Street Closures (updated 22.4.24) 

    Safe Routes in Communities (SRiC) funding has been awarded to launch further timed school street closures in the Vale of Glamorgan.


    Trial closures took place in October 2023 at Peterston Super Ely CiW Primary and at Oak Field/Ysgol Gwaun y Nant.  The implementation of permanent closures is going to be explored during 2024.

  •  Dinas Powys to Cardiff (updated 13.8.24)

    A recommendation from the public consultation held on the Barry to Dinas Powys active travel route in June 2024, was that the Council needs to consider the connecting links.


    Funding has been awarded in FY24/25 for the Council to commence work on feasibility and design of active travel connections from Dinas Powys to Cardiff.


    It is expected that these will be available for public consultation late 2024.


 Projects currently on hold:

  • Cardiff Road, Barry - Active Travel Improvement

    Welsh Government Core Active Travel Funding in FY21/22 was granted to complete detailed design of a 1.7km shared off-road pedestrian cycle route along Cardiff Road, Barry.  The scheme will link an existing active travel route on Ffordd y Mileniwm to a potential new active travel route from Biglis roundabout to Dinas Powys or to the existing route to Sully/Penarth.  Linking these schemes together would provide a large section of a shared footway/cycleway from Barry Island to Cardiff.


    A consultation on the proposed design was held in September 2021.

  • Llanmaes Road, Llantwit Major - Pedestrian and Cycle Improvements 
    Welsh Government Core Active Travel Funding was granted in 21/22 to complete the detailed design of a 1.1km shared off-road pedestrian cycle route along Llanmaes Road, Llantwit Major, linking Llantwit Major Interchange to Ffordd Bro Tathan.



    The proposed active travel route would improve access to the town centre, interchange, St Illtyd Primary school, Llantwit Major Comprehensive, Ysgol Dewi Sant, Ysgol y Ddraig, Doctor Surgeries and the Leisure Centre.


    A consultation on the proposed design was held between 25 August 2021 to 22 September 2021.

  • Cowbridge to Ystradowen Active Travel Route 

    Welsh Government Active Travel funding was received in September 2021 to look at active travel route options between Cowbridge and Ystradowen.  Three potential routes were put out to public consultation during June and July 2022.


    The consultation results were considered and it was recommended to complete the concept design of a route along the old railway line between Cowbridge and Ystradowen.


    The consultation report can be found here: Active Travel route options consultation.


    The public were asked for comments and suggestions for the area under Cowbridge bypass for consideration for S106 sustainable transport spend.  The Council will conduct further consultation on this proposal as per the report recommendations: S106 Cowbridge report.

  • Cowbridge to Llantwit Major Active Travel Route 
    Additional Welsh Government Active Travel funding was received in September 2021 to look at active travel route options between Llantwit Major and Cowbridge.


    This scheme is not continuing at this time.

  • Penarth Road to Llandough (Barons Court) Active Travel Route 
    Welsh Government Active Travel funding was received in September 2021 to look at active travel route options between Penarth Road and The Cogan Spur (Barons Court junction).


    Consultation on the proposed route option took place 22 September 2022-13 October 2022 and the report is available: Active Travel scheme consultation report.

  • Redlands Road, Penarth Active Travel Improvements 

    Welsh Government Active Travel funding was received in September 2021 to look at active travel options along Redlands Road, Penarth.

  • A48 - Culverhouse Cross to St Nicholas Active Travel  
    Welsh Government Active Travel funding was received in September 2021 to look at active travel route options between Culverhouse Cross and the Five Mile Lane.


    An active travel provision has been developed and we held public consultation on the concept during August 2022. The consultation results have been analysed and recommendations made: St Nicholas to Culverhouse Cross consultation report.

  • A48 to Llangan Active Travel 
    Welsh Government Active Travel funding was received in September 2021 to look at active travel improvements from the A48 to Llangan, to connect with the school and bus routes.


    Route option consultation was held 2 March - 23 March 2022 and work will continue on the concept design in FY22/23.


    Consultation report - Llangan route options April22.

  • A48 to Colwinston Active Travel 
    Welsh Government Active Travel funding was received in September 2021 to look at active travel improvements from the A48 to Colwinston, to connect with the school and bus routes.


    Consultation was held early in 2022 and a concept design of the chosen route will be completed in FY22/23.


    Consultation report - route options FINAL.


 Completed projects:

  • Safe Routes in Communities - Fairfield Primary School school street closure (completed May 2023)

    For many years there were issues with congestion and parking on Dryden Road and the surrounding streets.  These presented an obstacle for residents, parents, pupils and the school.


    In September 2020 Sustrans Cymru were asked to work with the school and residents to deliver a Community Street Design for the area.  The aim of the project was to encourage and facilitate active travel to school by combining infrastructure and behaviour change to create a safer environment.


    Consultation on the proposed improvements took place in October 2021 and funding was awarded in FY22/23 through the Welsh Government SRiC fund to make the infrastructure changes that allowed us to launch the Vale's first timed school street closure.


    SRiC Fairfield Primary - Dryden Road street closure 1.10.21

  • Eglwys Brewis Active Travel Route (updated 22.4.24) 

    Welsh Government Active Travel funding was awarded in April 2023 to complete a segreated footway/cycleway through Eglwys Brewis, where there was no existing provision for cyclists through this area, and the pedestrian footways did not meet Welsh Government Active Travel design standards. 

  • Station Road, Rhoose (completed March 2024) 
    Works on a S106/Active Travel scheme were completed along Porthkerry Road and Fontygary Road, Rhoose as far as Rhws Primary in 2023.


    Active Travel Funding was awarded in FY23/24 to complete a shared cycleway/footway along Station Road, connecting Rhoose Point, via the transport interchange, to the village.


    Photo of active travel route along Station Road April 2024

  • Wenvoe Active Travel Improvements 

    Funding was awarded in FY23/24 to complete the following:

    • Installation of a toucan crossing at the Walston Castle roundabout connecting to the existing shared use footway/cycleway along Port Road.
    • Make pedestrian improvements through Wenvoe village.
    • Complete the concept design and feasibility study of the continuation of the shared use footway/cycleway along Port Road - the missing link from Walston Castle to Goldsland Walk.

    Toucan Crossing Wenvoe - March 2024

  • St Athan Active Travel Shared Use Cycleway/Footway (completed March 2022) 
    Concerns had been raised about the highway environment in this area, specifically for pedestrians, and school pupils walking, scooting or cycling to school.  In response the Council have made improvements to create a safer walking, cycling and wheeling environment.


    Construction of a shared use footway/cycleway was completed in March 2022.  This development led to further funding being granted to complete a missing section of footway in front of The Gathering Place, as well as the continuation of a cycleway/footway through Eglwys Brewis.   

  • Cycle storage in schools and public locations - completed and ongoing 

    Welsh Government Active Travel Funding is used to provide cycle and scooter storage at schools and public locations across the Vale of Glamorgan.


    Here are some photos of recent installations:

    Barry Dock Interchange Oct 2023

    St Athan Primary Cycle Shelter May22

    Dinas Powys infant scooterpod Mar24Gladstone Primary cycle shelter Feb21


If you have any comments regarding any of the above, please contact:                                     Active Travel VOG logo