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Children-Leaving-SchoolSchool Transport

Local Education Authorities have a statutory duty to provide free school transport for pupils of statutory school age who reside beyond walking distance to the nearest appropriate school.



The Council doesn't provide free school transport for nursery-age children other than some with a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN).


The Vale of Glamorgan Council has a discretionary policy that provides financial help towards travelling to and from college. College Transport: Further education student travel for 16/19 year old


If your child qualifies for free school transport, permission will normally be given to travel on a contract vehicle if there is one serving your area. In other cases a bus pass will be provided to travel on the service network.


The Vale of Glamorgan Council provides free school transport for:

  • Primary age pupils residing two miles or over from their nearest designated catchment area school of type
  • Secondary age pupils residing three miles or over from their nearest designated catchment area school of type
  • Distances are measured by the shortest available walking route and pupils will need to be accompanied by a responsible adult if necessary

Mainstream School Transport Arrangements 2024-25

Parents/carers will receive letters, as normal over the summer, informing them of the service their child(ren) will be allocated to, with a caveat that they should refer to this page for updates. 


Entitled Pupils

Pupils from Reception to Year 11 are automatically assessed for free mainstream school transport. Pupils of primary school age qualify for free school transport if they live over 2 miles from their catchment area school, next nearest if catchment is full. Pupils of secondary school age qualify for free school transport if they live over 3 miles from their catchment school, next nearest if catchment is full.


No forms are required to be completed and signed and letters/passes/timetables will be sent directly to home addresses no later than Friday 23 August 2024.  


Only pupils who were late enrolments, have recently moved address or will be entering Post 16 in September (Year 12) will need to contact the school transport team:


  • New Intake - Reception & Year 7  

    All the Reception and Year 7 pupils have been assessed and the entitled children will be sent a letter/bus pass to their home address by Friday 23 August 2024, so if there any problems we have plenty of time to make adjustments over the summer holidays. If you have not received your bus pass or letter by Friday 23 August 2024 please contact the school transport team:

  • Year 1 to Year 11  

    All existing pupils that have had free school transport this year will automatically receive a letter/bus pass which will be sent to the parent/guardian home address (please contact us if you have moved recently) along with the policy summary, travel behaviour code and route timetable. If you have not received your bus pass/letter by Friday 23 August 2024 please contact the school transport team:

  • Post 16 Pupils (Year 12-Year 13)  

    Pupils who are entering Year 12 wishing to continue their studies from September 2024 (attending their catchment school or St David’s College) will need to inform the school transport team no later than Monday 26 August 2024 in order to receive their pass for the beginning of September.  


    Please email at your earliest convenience with the following information:-  

    • Name of child

    • Date of birth  

    • Address

    • Contact number

    • School

    • Route number (if known)  


    Please note: Those pupils who qualify for free school transport agree to adhere to the Vale of Glamorgan Council Schools transport policy and Welsh Government travel behaviour code. 




















Free School Transport

If you wish to enquire about free school transport (including St David's R/C College and other year 12/13 students), please e-mail with the following information:

  • Name of Child:
  • Date of Birth:
  • Home Address:
  • Contact Number: 
  • School:
  • Route Number (if known):  


Please note: Free school transport will not be provided if, as a result of parental preference, your child attends another school other than the nearest school or designated catchment area school.


Buy a School Bus Pass


Buying a School Bus Pass for Academic Year 2024/25 (i.e. Commencing September 2024)

If you wish to purchase a spare seat on a contracted school bus then please complete the School Transport Purchase Pass Application for 2024-25 and return to


Please note:

  • Due to the workload of the school transport team requests for acknowledgment of receipt of purchase pass emails/forms will not be sent;
  • A pupil allocated a seat one year will not automatically be entitled to purchase a spare seat the following year for the following reasons:
    • there may no longer be spare capacity;
    • the application has been submitted later than others and spare seats are no longer available;
    • the Council may decide not to sell spare seats
  • The cost of the pass for the 2024-25 academic year is £450;
  • If a seat is allocated, invoices will be sent out in October for payment and once received payment must be made in full;
  • No guarantee can be given that any purchase passes will be received before the start of the new school year (other transport arrangements may need to be made);
  • For further information on the terms and conditions of purchasing a pass on a contracted school transport service please refer to the back of the purchase pass form.

Completed application forms should be emailed to:



Replacement Bus Pass

Replacements passes can be obtained from the Passenger Transport Unit with an administration charge of £12 levied for each replacement pass.