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Public Participation at Council Meetings

The public can participate in various Council and Committee meetings held by the Vale of Glamorgan Council



Public Questions at Council Meetings

Anyone who is on the Vale of Glamorgan Register of Electors or is a Vale of Glamorgan tax payer or non-domestic ratepayer can ask a question at Council meetings. 


This is subject to a question being submitted and accepted in advance of the meeting. Register to ask a question at a Council meeting by completing the online form below.  Questions must be received at least ten working days prior to the date of the meeting.  (Please note the type of questions that can be asked - see link below).

Register to ask a Question


  • What type of questions can I ask?

    You can ask questions about:

    - the Council’s policies

    - the work of the Council in respect of any matter or issue affecting the Vale of Glamorgan

    - A member of the public or organisation may ask one question under Rule 12.1 for ordinary Council meetings

  • Questions will not be accepted if they: 
    • - are about matters for which the Council has no responsibility or that don’t specifically affect the Vale of Glamorgan
      - are defamatory, frivolous or offensive
      - relate to a complaint (these should be channelled via the Council’s formal complaints procedure)
      - are related to the questioner personally or their family
      - relate to a specific planning application or application for licence
      - relate to a specific Member, Council employee or member of the public
      - are substantially the same as a question which has already been put at a meeting of the Council in the past six months require the disclosure of confidential or 'exempt' information
    • - involve the preparation of an answer which would require the expenditure of a disproportionate amount of time, money or effort
      - are not received at least 10 working days prior to the meeting. (Click to view Calendar of Meetings)
  • What will the procedure be at the Council meeting? 
    The Mayor will invite you to put your question to the relevant Cabinet Member.  If you can’t make it on the day then the Council’s Managing Director can be asked to put the question to the Mayor on your behalf and arrange for a written reply to be provided for you. 
  • Who can speak? 
    Anyone who is on the Vale of Glamorgan Register of Electors or is a Vale of Glamorgan taxpayer or non-domestic ratepayer. This is subject to a question being submitted and accepted in advance. 
  • How will questions be allocated? 
    Questions will be dealt with in the order they were received by us, although similar questions might be grouped together. 
  • When and where are the meetings held (meetings may be held remotely)? 
    Council Meetings at held in the Council Chamber at the Civic Offices, Holton Road in Barry. Find us on a map 
  • How much time will I be allocated at the meeting? 
    A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for all questions. 
  • What if we run out of time? 
    In the unlikely event that your question can not be dealt with either because of lack of time, the non-attendance of the relevant Cabinet Member to whom it was directed, or for other reasons, your question will either be dealt with at a subsequent meeting, or if requested by you, by means of a written reply. 




Petitions and e-Petitions


Petitions are a formal written request, typically one signed by many people, appealing in respect of a particular case.


  • To start a petition online

    Prior to making a submission, anyone wishing to petition Council are advised to read the Petition information.


    If you have not previously registered:


    -  please register your details (note you will receive a verification email with an activation link to your nominated email account.

    - once you have activated your registration, please sign in and complete the Online Petition form



  • To Sign a Petition Online 

    Please sign in and select the petition you wish to support from the Open Petitions list 


    If you have not previously registered:


    -  please register your details (note you will receive a verification email with an activation link to your nominated email account.

    - once you have activated your registration, please sign in and complete the Online Petition form.






Section of Vale map

Planning Committee Meetings

In addition to responding to consultations undertaken on planning and related applications, if and when the Planning Committee considers an application for new development, there is a provision for public speaking at that Committee meeting


** PLEASE NOTE: Due to current restrictions and the requirement for social distancing Council meetings will not be held at their usual location. Meetings of the Council will be taking place virtually and ‘attendance’ will be restricted to Members of the Council, relevant officers and any registered to speak 'interested parties' where appropriate.  These meetings will be live-streamed and recorded for subsequent transmission via the Council's public website.  


A Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee explains the process and how to register to speak.



Please note: The window for registering to speak becomes active at 8.30am the day after publication of the agenda. 


Members of the public wishing to speak on any Planning application below are requested to register to speak via the Vale Council website by no later than 5.00 p.m. on the Sunday before the date of the meeting and have regard to the Council’s Multi-Location Meetings Policy and Public Participation at Council Meetings Guide


It is only possible to register to speak on an item that has been published on an agenda.  Therefore, please check the relevant Committee agenda before registering to speak. [View Planning Agendas]


Register to Speak at Planning Committee 



Scrutiny Meetings

Scrutiny provides the opportunity for the public to become involved in the Council’s activities. 


There is provision for public speaking at a Scrutiny Committee meeting.  A Guide on Public Participation explains the process and how to register to speak.


To register to speak at a scrutiny committee please complete the relevant form:

coast walking boots

Public Rights of Way Sub Committee Meetings

There is provision for public speaking at meetings of the Public Rights of Way Sub-Committee.


A Guide to Public Speaking at Public Rights of Way Sub-Committee explains the process and how to register to speak:


Please Note: The window for registering to speak becomes active at 8.30 a.m. on the day after despatch of the published agenda and closes at 5.00 p.m. (or 4.30 p.m. on a Friday) 3 clear working days prior to the Committee meeting.  The registration form can only be completed during this window.


Register to Speak