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The Mayor 

Role and responsibilities, chosen charities and information about the Mayor of the Vale of Glamorgan Council


The Mayor must be an elected member of the Council.  


He or she is elected into office at the Annual Meeting of the Council in May and his or her year of office runs to May of the following year.  


The Mayor and Mayoress wear their chains of office when they attend functions on behalf of the Council.




Councillor Elliot Penn

  • 01446 709853


I grew up on King Street in Penarth and attended Albert Road Primary school and Stanwell Comprehensive and have lived in Penarth almost my whole life.

I spent a lot of my time playing in Belle Vue Park when I was young, the Bowlers as we called it, and really love the fact my two young sons now climb the same trees I used to. 


I love living in Penarth and am proud of the friendly and welcoming community here.


Growing up in a single parent home relying on child benefits I know exactly what it’s like to not have enough money, food or electric left at the end of each week. I received free school meals all through my time at school and experienced the real benefits that this had.


I’m a self employed tradesman working in Penarth and the local area


I enjoy working positively in the community and am a co-founder and co-organiser of the Penarth Downhill Derby.  We started the event in 2010 with local community and families in mind, and the event has now become one of the highlights of Penarth Summer Festival weekend. It attracts entries from many local businesses, schools and families, and participants from as far afield as the south of France and Vietnam.  I’m so proud of its success and that Penarth has taken it to their hearts. 


My family’s history is intertwined with the town and look forward to future generations of my family being part of its mixed and lively community. With family and so many friends living here I feel this is my home and representing where I grew up and live is a privilege.


The issues that I care most about are:


  • Standing up for those in our society who need our help, promoting diversity and equality.
  • Continued improvements for education, educational facilities, investment in our play areas and green spaces. 
  • Building stronger communities and shared community spaces. 
  • Promoting the Vale of Glamorgan as a tourist destination and increased investment in the town and local events. 



  • Is there a difference between a Mayor and a Lord Mayor?
    Cities have a Lord Mayor; Councils like the Vale of Glamorgan have a Mayor.
  • What is the difference between a Mayoress and a Consort?

    The Mayor and Deputy Mayor appoint their companions. Either a spouse, partner, son, daughter or friend is chosen. If the companions are wives they are referred to as the Mayoress or Deputy Mayoress.


    If husband, brother or sister is chosen they are called Consort or Deputy Consort.

  • Is the Mayor's car theirs to keep?  
    No. One car is used by the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor. The Mayor doesn’t drive the car herself but is driven by a chauffeur. The civic car can also be used by the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive.
  • How busy is the Mayor?
    The Mayor’s workload can vary from year to year depending on what’s taking place in the Vale of Glamorgan during the Mayor’s term. In recent years Mayors have regularly undertaken in excess of 550 engagements a year. “Engagements” include meetings, chairing full council, charity committee meetings, charity events, exhibition openings etc
  • How is a Mayor chosen? 
    A Mayor is always a member of the council, usually with long service, who is invited to stand by colleagues from their political party, and has usually been Deputy Mayor the previous year.

    The vote for a new Mayor is taken at the Annual General Meeting of Council, which is traditionally held in May.


    When there is a clear majority in the Council the candidate can expect to be elected unopposed. However, if there is a hung Council there can be more than one candidate for the posts of Mayor and Deputy Mayor and the election result can be very close.

  • Can a Mayor be in office more than once?
    Yes, although they cannot hold the title 'Mayor' for more than one year in office. 
  • Does the Mayor run the council?

    The Mayor of the Vale of Glamorgan Council is a non-political and non-executive role. The Vale of Glamorgan Council is headed by the Leader of the Council and their Cabinet, with scrutiny committees monitoring Cabinet decisions closely.

    The Mayor chairs Council meetings and ensures that each agenda item is debated fairly.

    At full council it is unusual for the Mayor to speak on an issue as they need to be impartial. However if necessary they hold the casting vote on issues.

  • Does the Mayor earn a lot of money?
    All councillors receive a basic allowance, but the Mayor receives an additional special allowance set by Council to enable the Mayor/Deputy Mayor to carry out their additional duties.
  • When does the Mayor wear the chain of office? 
    The Mayor always wears the chain of office when on official business, unless specifically requested not to. 

    The Deputy Mayor wears her chain when representing the Mayor.