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Date and time

of Meeting                  WEDNESDAY, 17TH JULY, 2024 AT 10.00 A.M.


Venue                        REMOTE MEETING






1.       Appointment of Chair.


2.       To receive declarations of interest and the nature of such interests under the Council’s Code of Conduct.

(Note: Members seeking advice on this item are asked to contact the Monitoring Officer or Democratic Services at least 48 hours before the meeting).

[View Minute]


Report of the Licensing Authority –

3.       Licensing Act 2003 – Review of Premises Licence – D.K. Stores, 87 Court Road, Barry, CF63 1ET.

[View Minute]


Pursuant to Section 18(3)(a) of the Licensing Act 2003, this Hearing may be dispensed with provided the Licensing Authority, the Applicant and each person who has made a representation agree that the Hearing is unnecessary following Mediation.  This may occur up to 24 hours prior to the Hearing commencing.  It would therefore be advisable to contact the officer named at the end of the agenda to ensure that the Hearing is still taking place.



Rob Thomas

Chief Executive


11th July, 2024



A version of this Agenda is also available in Welsh.



Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985


Inspection of background papers in the first instance, enquiries should be made of A. Rudman (Tel: 01446 709855)



To Members of the Licensing Sub-Committee:

Councillors P. Drake, M.J.G. Morgan and J.M. Norman.


(Reserve Member: Councillor W.A. Hennessy)


PLEASE NOTE: Council meetings will be held in line with the Council’s  Multi-Location Meetings Policy and details at paragraphs 21.2 and 21.3  which meetings will be held on a hybrid and remote only basis.


Meetings of the Vale of Glamorgan Council will also be livestreamed, except where Part II matters are wholly or in part being considered, in accordance with the Council’s Multi-Location Meetings Policy.


If taking part, this means that you are being recorded both visually and in sound with the meeting being transmitted on the internet.  This is done for the purposes of supporting and promoting democratic engagement and public interest.  We will retain the data for 6 years and then offer it to the archivist at the Glamorgan Records Office for permanent retention.  You have the right to apply to access, rectify, restrict, object or erase this data.  The Information Regulator is the Information Commissioner who can be contacted  The Data Protection Officer for the Council can be contacted at


Meetings that are held on hybrid basis will take place in the Council Chamber and online.  Generally the public gallery in the Chamber is not filmed.  However, by entering the meeting room and using the public seating area you are consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for livestreaming and/or training purposes.


Meetings that are held Remotely


A Member wishing to attend the Civic Offices e.g. from the Council Chamber, in order to access/ attend a remote meeting, via the use of their Council device using the Council ICT network to join the meeting can do so, but they are requested to notify Democratic Services in advance of the meeting particularly when the meeting is held in the evening so that building security can be notified.


Members of the public who may wish to observe the live broadcast of the proceedings of a meeting being held on a remote meeting basis and are unable to do so from home, will be able to view the live broadcast from a designated area at the Civic Offices in Barry, subject to notification of attendance being received no later than one working day before the date of the meeting.


If you have any queries regarding this, please contact or telephone 01446 709855.,_agendas_and_reports/minutes,_agendas_and_reports.aspx