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Minutes of a meeting held on 17th July, 2018.


Present:  Councillor L. Burnett (Chairman); Councillor N.P. Hodges (Vice-Chairman); Councillors Ms. R.M. Birch, B.T. Gray, S.J. Griffiths, M. Lloyd, M.J.G. Morgan, Mrs. J. Norman, Mrs. R. Nugent-Finn and Ms. S.D. Perkes.


Co-opted Members:  Mr. P. Burke (Roman Catholic Church), Dr. C. Brown (Parent Governor – Secondary Sector) and Mrs. J. Lynch-Wilson (Parent Governor – Primary Sector).


Non-voting Observers: Mr. D. Griffith (Welsh Medium Education) and Mr. N. Want (Vale Youth Forum).


Also present: Councillor R.A. Penrose (Cabinet Member - Learning and Culture).



180            MINUTES –


RECOMMENDED – T H A T the minutes of the meeting held on 19th June, 2018 be approved.





No declarations were received.



182            CLOSURE OF ACCOUNTS (DLS) –


The Principal Accountant presented the report which informed Members of the Scrutiny Committee of the provisional financial position of the Council for the 2017/18 financial year.


Council, on 1st March, 2017 (minute no. 864) agreed the Authority’s budget requirement for 2017/18.


Appendix 1 attached to the report amended the revised budgets to take account of the below adjustments.  These adjustments had no overall effect on the net budget of the Council and were accounting adjustments largely outside the control of services.


IAS 19 Retirement Benefits -The purpose of this Standard was to ensure that the operating costs of providing retirement benefits to employees were recognised in the accounting period in which they were earned by the employees. Figures provided by the actuary differed from that estimated and the movements needed to be incorporated into the accounts.

Asset Rents - This charge could vary each year due to an increase / decrease in the valuation of assets. The movements needed to be incorporated into the accounts.


Leave Accrual Adjustment - An accrual was made for the cost of holiday entitlements earned by employees but not taken before year end.  The movement for school staff changed between years depending on when the Easter holiday fell.  It had been assumed that there was no movement between years for non-school staff.


Carbon Reduction Commitment Scheme - The scheme required the Authority to report on carbon dioxide emissions associated with the use of electricity and gas within its buildings. Payment was then made to the Environment Agency to cover the charge in respect of those emissions.


Recharges - These represented changes to inter-service recharges and transfers.


The officer drew the Scrutiny Committee’s attention to a table on page 2 of the report which compared the amended budget and the actual expenditure, including transfers to and from reserves.  The final column showed the net transfers to reserves for the Committee, which had been included within the actual expenditure figures.


The Principal Accountant then explained the reasons for the budget variances; detailing the schools’ breakeven as laid in paragraph 7 of the report, the favourable variance of £111k for Strategy, Culture, Community Learning and Resources, which was laid out in paragraph 8 of the report, the favourable variance of £40k from the Director’s Office, the adverse variance of £205k from the Achievement for All department, and the favourable variance of £54k for the School Improvement department.  The officer stated that the key theme for these budget variances was that Directorates were taking steps to actively tackle overspend. 


The Committee was informed that a breakdown of the 2017/18 Capital Programme by scheme was attached at Appendix 2 to the report.  The overall outturn for the Committee was a variance of £939k.  The major variances comprised: 

  • Band A Romilly Primary – slippage of £127k
  • Education Contingency Budget – favourable variance of £235k with slippage of £220k
  • School IT Loans – favourable variance of £198k

These were detailed for the Committee by the officer. 


The Principal Accountant then presented Appendix 3 attached to the report, which contained a schedule showing the Committee’s reserves as at 31st March, 2018.  She informed the Committee that £400k had been set aside to set up a Schools Deferred Pension Scheme, via both a reserve and a provision.  This would allow the Council to make up front payments to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme centrally on behalf of schools, which could be repaid by schools over a number of years.


The Committee noted that a transfer between reserves had been actioned.  Due to the transitional and one off costs associated with the setting up of Co-Education in Barry, there had been a transfer of £152k from the Libraries Fund into the Schools Rationalisation reserve. 


Finally, the Principal Accountant stated that as part of Final Revenue Budget proposals for 2017/18, savings targets were set for the Committee.  Progress on the achievement of these savings had been monitored and reported to Committee during the year.  Appendix 4 attached to the report confirmed the final status of these savings at the end of 2017/18 and the officer reported that all savings were achieved in full.  As a result of the capital underspend in 2017/18, the Managing Director’s Emergency Powers had been used to approve slippage into 2018/19.  The Committee was informed that this would fund the completion of schemes as shown in Appendix 5 attached to the report. 


In response to a query from a Member concerning what the Welsh Immersion costs for primary pupils transferring from English medium to Welsh medium schools referred to as stated on page 3 of the report, the Operational Manager, Statutory and Resources informed the Committee that this figure referred to the costs for buying in services from Cardiff while demand was being assessed in the Vale of Glamorgan. 


The Chairman congratulated the department on coming in budget for the 2017/18 financial year with the current financial pressures.  She noted however, that this had been achieved by posts being held vacant in restructured teams which could lead to a loss of capacity within the service and she queried whether the department had seen an impact on performance of individuals due to these vacant posts.  In response, the Head of Achievement for All stated that at present there had not been an impact on performance, however he recognised that it was not sustainable to have these posts vacant and he was looking to fill these positions to ensure that the productivity of the department was not affected.  He also noted that there had been a slight increase in sickness absence for the department, however this was in line with other Directorates. 


The Chairman then drew the Committee’s attention to Appendix 3 attached to the report, which detailed the analysis of reserves.  She queried why some reserves had ended the financial year with a balance of zero, for example Excluded Pupils, and School Placements.  In response, the Principal Accountant stated one of these individual reserves had been created to help with specific budgetary pressures, and were designed to be drawn upon. 


Finally, a Member of the Committee noted that a transfer of reserves had been actioned to help set up Co-Education in Barry, which entailed a transfer of £152k from the Libraries fund into the Schools Rationalisation reserve.  The Member was concerned that the Libraries reserves had been drawn upon to fund another service and asked what the rationale was for this decision.  In response, the Head of Achievement for All stated that although the rationalisation of the library services had been successful, it had been a tough decision to make due to the budget pressures facing services; however it had allowed the Council to invest in Co-Education in Barry. 


There being no further queries, the Committee


RECOMMENDED – T H A T the financial measures taken and proposed be noted.


Reason for recommendation


Following consideration of the provisional financial position and actions that had been taken.





The Principal Accountant presented the report, which advised the Scrutiny Committee of the position in respect of revenue and capital expenditure for the period 1st April to 31st May, 2018 regarding those revenue and capital budgets which formed the Committee’s remit.


The Principal Accountant noted that it was very early in the financial year, however it was anticipated that the Directorate would outturn on budget in the current financial year after a transfer from reserves.  The officer informed the Committee that a summary of the Learning and Culture revenue budget was listed at the top of page 2 of the report to Committee, and noted that for Schools, the delegated budget relating to schools was expected to balance as any under / over spend was carried forward by schools.


It was projected that a transfer of £212k would be required from the Schools Rationalisation reserve to fund one off costs in relation to the transformation of secondary schools in Barry.


The Committee was informed that there was pressure on the school bus contracts.  This was mainly due to an increase in price in certain contracts since a contractor had had their licence revoked.  These routes had therefore been retendered, however there was a general increase in prices.  It was anticipated that the overspend against the School Bus contracts could be in the region of £100k.  The officer stated that regular meetings were being held with the Transport Department to keep a close eye on the School Bus contract budgets. 


The initial savings target for the year relating to the Reshaping Tranche 3 Procurement had been re-apportioned across the Directorate and therefore the following budget virement was requested:





School Improvement


Strategy, Community   Learning and Resources





The Principal Accountant informed the Committee of the 2018/19 saving targets explaining that as part of the Final Revenue Budget Proposals for 2018/19, a savings target of £6.298m was set for the Authority.  Attached at Appendix 1 to the report was a statement detailing all savings targets related to the Committee.  Updates on progress would be provided to Members during the year. The officer stated that these saving targets had only recently been allocated, so were still being worked through, however at present there were no red flags in achieving these savings so far. 


Finally, the officer detailed the financial progress on the Capital Programme as at 31st May, 2018 which was attached at Appendix 2 to the report.  She made Members aware that this included requests for unspent committed expenditure to be slipped from the 2017/18 Capital Programme into the 2018/19 Programme as approved by Emergency Powers on 12th June, 2018.  This included: 

  • Ty Deri – an Emergency Power was approved on 22nd May, 2018 to bring forward £45k from the 2019/20 Capital Programme to the 2018/19 Capital Programme.  The total budget estimate of £555k was still considered to be sufficient however it had been requested that the split between phases be amended to £350k for Phase 1 in 2018/19 and £205k for Phase 2 in 2019/20;
  • Barry Library Boilers – The current boilers at the Library had reached the end of their economic lives and need urgent replacement before the winter.  It had been requested that this scheme be included in the 2018/19 Capital Programme with a budget of £185k which would be funded by a £40k revenue contribution to capital from the Office Accommodation budget and £145k from the Council Buildings reserve.   This scheme would replace three boilers.

A Member of the Committee queried why at the Cabinet meeting of 18th June, 2018, while considering the Education Asset Renewal Building Programme for 2018/19, Cabinet had resolved to defer the payment of £200k in respect of the flat roof renewal for Peterston-Super-Ely Primary School pending a further report from officers.  The Member stated that he had been contacted by the Headteacher and Chair of Governors for Peterston-Super-Ely Primary School who were very concerned by this decision.  He informed the Committee that this repair had been under consideration for the last three years and was now regarded as urgent by the Headteacher and Chair of Governors at the Primary School who had already started preparing for the works to take place over the summer holidays and were worried that any further delay would affect the provision of education at the school and the safety of pupils.  As such, the Member sought reassurances on the renewal work and when it would be completed.


In response, the Cabinet Member for Learning and Culture stated that due to the significant proportion of the Education Capital Programme that was proposed to be allocated to the renewal of the roof covering at Peterston-Super-Ely Primary School, Cabinet had deferred the decision on the spending, pending a further report.  He informed the Committee that a meeting to discuss this report was planned for the following week when the relevant officers had returned from leave. 


The Member of the Committee noted that a full survey of the roof had been carried out in 2015 and the Governors could not understand why a further report was required as they considered that nothing had changed and were querying why the delay had come at this stage.  He queried what the context and brief of the future report would entail as the school was seeking assurances that the work would be done with no danger to the children at the school. 


The Cabinet Member for Learning and Culture stated that he had been assured the works would be carried out with no detriment to the pupils at Peterston-Super-Ely Primary School, and confirmed that the report would seek more up to date surveys and costings for the work. While he could not give a precise timescale, the Cabinet Member wished to meet with the relevant officers to resolve the situation as soon as possible.  Further, in response to a question from a Member of the Committee, the Cabinet Member stated that reserves would be called upon to fund the roof repair at the school once Cabinet had ensured that the work would be carried out in the most cost effective and appropriate manner.  The Committee then discussed the timescales involved with the original survey and schedule of works, along with the importance of guaranteeing pupil safety, with the Cabinet Member for Learning and Culture stating that he could provide an update to the Scrutiny Committee via e-mail once the meeting with officers had taken place in the following week, and stated he would ask the Head of Achievement for All to investigate any safeguarding concerns as a result of the renewal works. 


A Co-opted Member of the Committee highlighted paragraph 6 of the report, which stated that a transfer of £212k would be required from the Schools Rationalisation Reserve to fund one off costs in relation to the transformation of secondary schools in Barry.  He queried with the officer what these one off costs comprised of and how they were not predicted.  In response, the Principal Accountant stated that she did not have this precise information on revenue spend so would investigate this matter further and circulate the information to all Members via e-mail. 


Subsequently, it was




(1)       T H A T the position with regards to the 2018/19 revenue and capital monitoring be noted.


(2)       T H A T following the meeting of officers to consider the renewal of the roof covering at Peterston-Super-Ely Primary School, the Cabinet Member for Learning and Culture circulate an update on this matter via e-mail to Members of the Learning and Culture Scrutiny Committee.


Reasons for recommendations


(1)       To apprise Members of the position with regards to the 2018/19 revenue and capital monitoring.


(2)       To provide reassurances to Members on the progress of the renewal of the roof covering at Peterston-Super-Ely Primary School.





The Committee was asked to nominate a Learning and Culture Scrutiny Committee Member to sit on the Schools Admission Forum.  All Councils were required to have a Schools Admission Forum in accordance with Section 85A of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 as amended by Section 46 of the Education Act 2002 and the Education (Admissions Forum) (Wales) Regulations 2003. 


The report highlighted that the Schools Admission Fora had a key role in ensuring a fair admission system and had to act in accordance with the School Admissions Code 2013.  The Schools Admission Forum also had to have a minimum of ten members in order to ensure that the membership of the Forum was not too limited and the interests of schools were properly represented.


Having considered the report, it was subsequently


RECOMMENDED – T H A T Councillor M.J.G. Morgan be appointed as the Learning and Culture Scrutiny Committee representative on the Schools Admission Forum.


Reason for recommendation


In order that the membership of the Schools Admission Forum included a Member of the Learning and Culture Scrutiny Committee as well as the Cabinet Member.





The Scrutiny Support Officer advised Members of the progress made in relation to the Scrutiny Committee’s recommendations and confirmed the work programme schedule for the Scrutiny Committee 2018/19.  The officer highlighted Appendix A attached to the report, which set out the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee and requested Members to review progress against each recommendation, to assess whether further action may be required, to ensure the required action was undertaken, and to confirm which recommendations would be agreed as completed.  He also requested Members to confirm approval of the updated Scrutiny Committee work programme schedule attached at Appendix B to the report, with the Committee noting that the schedule was a proposed list of items for consideration and may be subject to change depending on prevailing circumstances. 


The Scrutiny Support Officer detailed the recommendations as listed in Appendix A attached to the report, noting that the majority had been completed and provided updates on those which were still ongoing; advising the Committee that the working group (namely a delivery group) set up as part of investigations into the provision of free sanitary products in schools in the Vale of Glamorgan had met and was progressing work in line with the recommendations of the Committee, that the visit to Tŷ Deri by the Scrutiny Committee would be arranged once works on site had been completed in the new term, that contact had been made with the Carers Trust South East Wales to request information regarding support for carers in the Vale of Glamorgan which would be e-mailed to all Chairs of Governors in the Vale of Glamorgan, and finally the letters of congratulations as recommended by the Committee to be sent to the three schools whose school balances were no longer in a deficit position had been signed before the meeting that day.


The Committee then discussed the work being undertaken to facilitate the provision of free sanitary products in schools in the Vale of Glamorgan, with some Members reporting that despite the ongoing work some pupils had not heard from schools about the period poverty relief initiatives.  The Operational Manager, Strategy and Resources, expressed disappointment that some pupils had not received this information, as officers had contacted all schools in the Vale of Glamorgan Council and had widely circulating materials on the support available.  The officer requested that Members contact her if they were aware of pupils who did not receive any support information, and the Chairman added that it could be useful to circulate the progress being made by the delivery group to Members of the Committee following its next meeting.  Finally, the Committee noted that good feedback had already been received from the work to provide free sanitary products in schools in the Vale of Glamorgan, and it was disappointing that the support was not reaching everyone. 


With regards to Appendix B attached to the report, the Chairman requested that an update on the Pupil Referral Unit and the Reshaping Services – Catering Project be added to the Committee’s forward work programme for 2018/19.  The Cabinet Member for Learning and Culture stated that these items were due to be reported to Cabinet, and could subsequently be referred to the Learning and Culture Scrutiny Committee for consideration.  Additionally, the Chairman stated that she had recently attended a presentation by the Central South Consortium’s Pupil Deprivation Grant Looked After Children Regional Lead and requested the Regional Lead speak to the Scrutiny Committee following the development of the consortia work.  This was supported by the Head of Achievement for All, who advised that the officer from the Central South Consortium had recently spoken at a Headteacher conference and it would be good to link the work together.  Finally, a Member requested a briefing update on the changing curriculum in Wales. 


There being no further comments or queries, it was




(1)       T H A T the actions noted below be confirmed as completed:



23 April 2018

Min. No. 875 – The Provision of Free Sanitary Products in Schools in the Vale of Glamorgan (Request for Consideration of Matter: Councillor Mrs. J.M. Norman) – Recommended

(3)   That the Scrutiny Committee recommends to Cabinet that in the interim, each secondary school in the Vale of Glamorgan be given £100 worth of sanitary products, and each primary school be given £30 worth of sanitary products, while the Scrutiny Committee working group   examines this matter in full detail, including the means of distributing   remaining and future funding from Welsh Government.

Referred to Cabinet meeting on 21st May, 2018.

Cabinet, on 21st May, 2018 endorsed the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee.

(Min No C306 refers)


Min. No. 876 – Vale of Glamorgan Well-Being and Improvement Objectives (Improvement Plan Part 1) 2018/19 (DLS) – Recommended that the Corporate Plan Wellbeing and Improvement   Objectives and associated priority actions for 2018/19 as outlined in   Appendix 1 attached to the report, be endorsed and the views of the Scrutiny Committee be included in the summary report sent to Cabinet.

The Committee’s comments were incorporated into a report submitted to Cabinet on 21st May, 2018. Cabinet, having considered   the report and all the issues and implications contained therein including the comments of the Scrutiny Committees resolved -

[1]   That the following amendments be made to the Improvement Plan:

  •   The diagram titled 'how it all fits together' was amended prior to publication to reflect the holistic approach taken by the Council in developing and delivering its key strategic plans as outlined in its Performance Management Framework.
  •   Performance descriptions for all Public   Accountability Measures are updated prior to publication in the Improvement Plan to reflect the 2018/19 guidance recently issued by the Local Government Data Unit.
  •   Update the quarter 3 performance data reported in the section 'how would we measure progress' in the Improvement Plan with end of year data for 2017/18 to ensure up to date information was presented where available.

[2] That, subject to Resolution (1), the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Improvement Plan Part 1 for 2018/19 (Appendix 1) as amended be   endorsed for publication.

(Min No C312 refers)


Min. No. 879 – Summary of School Inspection Reports for Autumn Term 2017 (DLS) – Recommended

(1)   That the inspection judgements about the schools inspected during the Autumn term be noted and the Committee’s congratulations be extended to each school.

(4)   That the report be referred to Cabinet for its consideration of the inspection results.

(1)   Letters of congratulation were sent to   Oakfield Primary School, Cadoxton Primary School and All Saints C/W Primary School.


(4)   Referred to Cabinet meeting on 21st May,   2018.

Cabinet,   on 21st May, 2018 endorsed the recommendations of the Scrutiny   Committee and resolved to extend its own congratulations to Oakfield Primary   School, Cadoxton Primary School and All Saints C/W Primary School.

(Min   No C307 refers)


Min. No. 880 – Summary of School Inspection Reports for Spring Term 2018 (DLS) – Recommended that the inspection judgements about the schools inspected during the Spring term be noted and referred to Cabinet for consideration.

Referred to Cabinet meeting on 21st May, 2018.

Cabinet, on 21st May, 2018 noted the contents of the Estyn Inspection judgements in respect of Fairfield Primary School, Colcot Primary School and Gladstone Primary School.

(Min No 308 refers)


Min. No. 881 – Arts and Culture Strategy: An Aspirational and Culturally Vibrant Vale 2018-2022 (REF) – Recommended

(2)   That notwithstanding the above, the comments of the Learning and Culture Scrutiny Committee as outlined above be referred to Cabinet for their consideration.

Referred to Cabinet meeting on 21st May, 2018.

Cabinet, on 21st May, 2018 endorsed the Scrutiny Committee’s recommendations.

(Min No 309 refers)


22 May 2018

Min. No. 53 – Transgender Inclusion Toolkit and Guidance Documents for Schools and Other Settings (Call-In) – Recommended

(2)   That the Scrutiny Committee receives a report in 12 months assessing the impact of the toolkit, in partnership with schools. 

(3)   That Cabinet be requested to refer the document to the Corporate Parenting Panel for their consideration.

(2)  Added to work programme schedule.


(3)   Referred to Cabinet meeting on 18th June,   2018.

Cabinet, on 18th June, 2018, noted the contents of the report and was considered by the Corporate Parenting Panel at its meeting on 2nd July 2018.

(Min No C339 refers)


Min. No. 54 – Reshaping Youth Services (DLS) – Recommended

(2)   That Cabinet be requested to consider the points raised at the Scrutiny Committee, in relation to the proposals to progress plans for reshaping Youth Services in making their decision on whether to approve the proposals.

(3)   That the proposals relating to the Western Vale Integrated Children’s Centre (WVICC) as shown in Appendix A to be referred to Cabinet for their consideration and approval in order for this
asset to be declared surplus and that a Community Asset Transfer opportunity be progressed in due course.

(4)   That the proposals relating to the Llantwit Major Youth Centre Building as shown in Appendix A be referred to Cabinet for their consideration and approval in order for this asset to be declared surplus and a new use be sought for this building in due course, be   agreed subject to if for any reason the proposal failed to materialise or be adopted by the Town Council, before it is put for any other use that it be reported to the Scrutiny Committee for its consideration.

(5)   That the Scrutiny Committee notes and refers to Cabinet for approval the proposal that delegated authority be granted to the Head of Finance, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to secure a new youth and community use for the Llantwit Major Youth Centre Building, as referred to in Recommendation (4) above and to progress a leasehold arrangement for this building as outlined within the report.

(6)   That  the Scrutiny Committee (subject to Recommendations (3), (4) and (5)) notes and refers to Cabinet for approval the proposal that the Head of Legal Services be authorised to draft and execute all necessary legal documentation associated with the disposals referred to be agreed. 

(7)   That a further report be presented to Cabinet and the Learning and Culture Scrutiny Committee to provide an update on the progress of the reshaping project in 12 months be agreed.

Referred to Cabinet meeting on 6th June, 2018.

Cabinet, on 6th June, 2018 resolved –

[1]   That the proposals for reshaping the Youth Service as set out in the report to the Scrutiny Committee (Learning and Culture) be approved.

[2]   That the Western Vale Integrated Children’s Centre be declared surplus and that a Community   Asset Transfer be progressed in due course.

[3]   That Llantwit Major Youth Centre be declared surplus and a new use for the building be sought.

[4]   That authority be delegated to the Head of Finance in consultation with the Leader of the   Council to secure community use for the Llantwit Major Youth building and to progress a leasehold arrangement for the building.

[5]   That the Head of Legal Services be authorised to draft and execute all necessary legal   documentation associated with the disposals referred to in resolutions 2 and 3 above.

[6]   That a further report be presented to Cabinet to provide an update on the progress of the   reshaping project in 12 months.

(Min No C329 refers)


Min. No. 55 – Welsh Standards Annual Monitoring Report   (MD) – Recommended that the comments made at the meeting and the report be referred to Cabinet in order that approval can be sought to ensure publication on the Council’s website by 30th June, 2018.

Referred to Cabinet meeting on 6th June, 2018.

Cabinet, on 6th June, 2018 resolved that the contents of the report be noted and Welsh Standards Annual Monitoring Report for 2017/18 be approved to ensure that the publication could be placed on the Council’s website by the 30 June, 2018.

(Min No C330 refers)


Min. No. 56 – 4th Quarter Decision Tracking of Recommendation and Work Programme Schedule 2018/19 (MD) – Recommended

(2)   That the Forward Work Programme schedule attached at Appendix D to the report be approved, subject to the amendments   agreed at the meeting, and uploaded to the Council’s website.

Forward work programme schedule amended and uploaded to the Council’s website.


19 June 2018

Min. No. –  Support for Carers in the Vale of Glamorgan   (REF) – Recommended

(1)   That a future report be presented to the Committee in relation to the activities and steps that were being undertaken to assist young carers in the Vale of Glamorgan including their levels of   educational attainment.

(2)   That the report requested in Recommendation (1) above, also include information on adult learners who were also carers.

(1)   Added to work programme schedule.


(2)   Added to work programme schedule.


Min. No. – School Balances as at 31st March, 2018 (DLS) – Recommendedthat the level of school reserves and arrangements in place to monitor and challenge school balances where appropriate be noted, and letters of congratulations be sent to the three schools who are no longer in a deficit position.

Letters of congratulations were sent to the three schools which were no longer in a deficit position. 



(2)       T H A T the updated work programme attached at Appendix B to the report be approved, including the addition of references from Cabinet on the Pupil Referral Unit and the Reshaping Services – Catering Project, an update on the changing curriculum in Wales and a presentation by the Pupil Deprivation Grant Looked After Children Regional Lead of the Central South Consortium, and be uploaded to the Council‘s website.


Reasons for recommendations


(1)       Having considered the progress and status of the recommendations.


(2)       In order that the updated work programme can be amended and uploaded to the Council’s website for information.