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Information and advice about the planning process, the latest planning applications, and national and local planning policies and guidance.

Latest Planning News

New Planning Policy Requirements - Green Infrastructure

On 11 October 2023 Local Planning Authorities across Wales were informed by the Welsh Government of changes being introduced to Chapter 6 of Planning Policy Wales. 

Do I Need Planning Permission?

Planning permission is required for all new building, engineering or mining works or where a material change of use is proposed to land or buildings unless the works are permitted development. 

Find out if you need Planning Permission

Pre Application

Seek Pre-Application Advice

Download our fee schedule and pre-application forms.

Planning Policy

Planning Policy

Policies and guidance for development in the Vale of Glamorgan. 

Developer Contributions

Developer Contributions - Section 106

Information regarding Section 106 agreements and implementation.

Green Infrastructure (1)

Green Infrastructure

For the latest news and advice on Green Infrastructure Policies. 


Make a Planning Application

Make a Planning Application

Apply for planning permission, download application forms, and pay a Planning Application Fee. 

Planning Enforcement

Planning Enforcement

Report a breach of Planning Control.

Council chamber

Planning Committee

Details of Planning Committee, Meetings, Reports and Associated Documents.

Planning Register (2)


Make an appeal against a decision of the Local Planning Authority or direct to Planning and Environment Decisions Wales (PEDW).

Planning Register

View or Comment on a Planning Application

Support, object, or comment on planning applications and view details of current and previous applications and appeals.



Information about Listed Buildings, County Treasures and Conservation Areas in the Vale of Glamorgan.

Tress and Hedges

Trees and Hedges

Make an application for works to trees and hedges or complain about a high hedge.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Call Monday to Friday:

  • 01446 704681

For general queries, please email planning@valeofglamorgan.