Consultation on Welsh Medium Expansion in Barry
Consultation on a proposal to increase the number of Welsh medium school places in Barry by increasing the capacity of Ysgol Gwaun Y Nant from 210 places to 420 places starting in 2015
The Vale of Glamorgan Council has a legal duty to meet parental demand for Welsh Medium education. There has been a significant increase in demand for Welsh medium places across the Vale since 2009 that led to the opening of two new Welsh medium schools in September 2011 in Llantwit Major and Barry.
The growth in demand has continued since 2011 across the Vale to the extent that in Barry there is an expected shortfall of reception places for September 2014. Welsh Medium primary education in Barry is currently provided at four schools: Ysgol St Curig, Ysgol St Baruc, Ysgol Nant Talwg and Ysgol Gwaun y Nant.
The Council proposes to increase the number of Welsh medium school places in Barry by increasing the capacity of Ysgol Gwaun Y Nant from 210 to 420 places starting in September 2015. There will be places for 60 children in each age group, in two classes: at the moment there are 30 places. The school will grow gradually with 60 places in the reception class each year. This proposal will manage the increased demand for Welsh medium education in Barry to enable the authority to deliver school places to meet the future needs of children in the area.
The growth in demand in Barry is expected to continue at the current rate for the foreseeable future with a shortfall of places expected for 2015 and beyond. The proposal will respond to the growth in the parental demand for Welsh medium education in Barry.
This consultation will run from the 18 November 2013 to 10 January 2014.
Consultation Report
The authority is grateful to everyone who took the time to consider our proposal and to those who let us know their views. All comments were considered by the Council's Cabinet on 24th February 2014.
The Consultation Report is available to download or hard copies of the report are available on request by ether contacting the Learning and Skills Directorate on 01446 709727 or email you request to
Publication of Statutory Notice to expand Ysgol Gwaun y Nant
The Council's Cabinet have agreed to publish a statutory notice for the expansion of Ysgol Gwaun y Nant in Barry.
The statutory notice is available to download or a hard copy is available on request by either contacting the Learning and Skills Directorate on 01446 709727 or by emailing your request to:
On 28th April 2014, the Vale of Glamorgan Council's Cabinet approved the proposal for the expansion of Ysgol Gwaun y Nant in Barry subject to Welsh Government grant funding being awarded from the 21st Century Schools Programme.
The decision letter is available to download.