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The Index 

Working together to keep families up to date with services, support and activities for children and young people with disabilities or additional needs across the Vale of Glamorgan.


What is The Index?

The Index is the Vale of Glamorgan's voluntary register of children and young people with disabilities or additional needs.


The Index aims to give a clearer picture of how many children and young people with disabilities or additional needs there are, and through Families First Grant funding support, enables us to work together with other agencies to help better coordinate services. 


  • Receive information to keep up to date with new services and activities

  • Receive the quarterly newsletter The Index and specific mail outs

  • Have the opportunity to contribute articles, news and events to share with others on the Index

  • Help and influence the types of provision being offered and developed


Check out our video which explains The Index and the benefits to you:



Why sign up to The Index?

Once signed up to The Index you will receive:

    • The Index Newsletter - the newsletter which is sent out twice a year, packed full of information about services, support and activities in the Vale of Glamorgan

    • The Index eNews - regular emails providing information about any activities and events which may be happening between issues of the newsletter

    • Have a say on how we plan and deliver services in your area



How to sign up to The Index?

Whether you are a parent/carer or a professional, you can sign a child up to The Index by completing a registration form. To be included on The Index the child or young person must:

  • be aged up to 18 years
  • have a diagnosed disability, be in the process of diagnosis or have confirmed ongoing additional needs


Index Mailing list for Professionals

If you are a professional working with children with disabilities or additional needs, you can be added to our mailing list to receive regular e-bulletins about what is going on in Cardiff and The Vale

Manage subscriptions - Privacy Policy


 Services and support

Activities and Family Support

Use our online Childcare Information Directory to search for activities and family support in the Vale of Glamorgan and beyond.


Searching for childcare

Using the Childcare Information Wales Directory after selecting a childcare category, filter by clicking 'language and disabilities'. Tick the appropriate Additional Learning Needs box/es to tailor the search to your needs.  


If you have a more detailed enquiry please contact us directly by using the online enquiry form. All data will be stored in line with data protection regulations, as set out in the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Privacy Notice


Carers' Services

Find out about training, support and events for carers across the Vale.


Wider support 

Read more about the wider support available to children with additional needs in the Vale.



Reports and Surveys

The Index Survey asks families to identify what Families First services they have used in the past, as well as identifying any gaps in activities and services in the Vale of Glamorgan. You can read the full report:



The Index Annual Report 2020 - 2021 looks at the key achievements of the year.



Transition: Beginning to Plan for My Future

When you are 14 you have to start thinking about your future and what you would like to do when you leave school. You might want to go to college, do some training or get a job. You may need support to continue to learn to do things for yourself when out and about in the community or you may need to be supported in a place where for example you are helped with your physical care.


Sometimes, making choices might be hard but it can also be an exciting time, and there are lots of other people as well as people in school who can help you.

For example:

  • A Careers Advisor will be able to give you lots of ideas and choices that are available in your area when you leave school;
  • College staff can also let you know what courses they have if you would like to go to college. They can also arrange visits for you to see what it’s like;
  • You might also have support from someone who can talk about what you do in your spare time and help with new things to do as you grow older.

Here’s some of the things (Options) you might want to do in the future:

  • Stay in School after you are 16
  • Apply for jobs
  • Sign up with a supported employment agency (your school can tell you about these)
  • Go to college
  • Join a training programme
  • Attend a Day Service
  • Receive support in the community
  • Get some work experience or voluntary work to help you to get a paid job you would like to do in the future
  • Prepare to live away from home

Planning for your future will start in year 9 which is long before you leave school. If you have a Statement of SEN, the diagram below will show you what should happen to help you plan ahead.



If you would like to talk to us about The Index then please contact:

Index Officer

Family Information Service

Dock Office, Subway Road


CF63 4RT



The Index is funded by Welsh Government's Families First Initiative.