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Polling Stations

A Polling Station is a building or portacabin where people visit on Poll Day to place their vote.


A room in the building is set up with voting booths and a ballot box. A Presiding Officer and Poll Clerk stay at the station all day to manage the Polling Station.


Please remember: You will not be able to vote unless you are on the Electoral Register.


How Polling Stations locations are chosen

The Vale of Glamorgan is split into different areas for poll day. We call these polling districts.

Most polling districts have their own polling station. This means that you must use the polling station that is set up for the polling district your house sits in.


There are 101 polling stations across the Vale of Glamorgan allowing you to cast your vote in person.
You can also vote via:

  • Post

  • Proxy (someone else voting for you)


We will evaluate the polling stations every 5 years. A polling station can be any building within a polling district but must be:

  • accessible for everyone

  • safe and well maintained

  • easily located 


Find your nearest polling station:


Alternative Ways to Vote

If you are unable to attend a polling station on poll day you can also vote by post or have someone go to the polling station for you. Please visit our Applications and Waiver Forms page and complete the relevant form to apply. 


Application and Waiver Forms




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