There are four elements to the governance and management of the Vale of Glamorgan Council:
1. The Cabinet, which is made up of the Leader and six other Cabinet Portfolio Holder Members who have collective responsibility for the executive decisions of the Council and who together form the Council's Cabinet.
2. Overview and Scrutiny which is undertaken by non-executive Members of the Council and is managed through Scrutiny Committees.
3. Regulatory Committees which include Planning, Licensing, Appeals and Appointment Committees.
4. The day-to-day management of the Council, which is the responsibility of the Managing Director and Directors who collectively form the Council's Corporate Management Team.
Members who are not in the Cabinet are charged with keeping an overview of Council business and scrutinising areas of particular interest or concern. Their role includes holding Cabinet to account and assisting in the development and review of Council policy. The latter task involves looking in detail at areas of service delivery or issues of general concern and making recommendations to Cabinet or to the whole Council - this could include suggestions for improvements or different ways of doing things. Members can do this under the normal Call-In or Request for Consideration procedures.
The Scrutiny process provides opportunities for Members of the Council to examine the services provided, and to ask questions on how decisions have been made, to consider whether service improvements can be put in place and to make recommendations accordingly.