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Scrutiny Committees

The Vale of Glamorgan Council has appointed five Scrutiny Committees


The Vale of Glamorgan Council recognises that members of the public can make an important contribution and be a valuable source of information.  The Council therefore encourages the active participation of all residents within the Scrutiny process in the Vale.


Although most meetings to date have taken place at the Civic Offices, where appropriate meetings have been held elsewhere in the Vale.


It is important to be aware that the Scrutiny Committees do not deal with individual queries, concerns or complaints.  Scrutiny Committee meetings are a meeting held in public but they are not a public meeting. 


Scrutiny Committees and Memberships

The five Scrutiny Committees in the Vale of Glamorgan are:


  • Corporate Performance and Resources

    Chair: Councillor Joanna Protheroe;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Ewan Goodjohn;

    Councillors: George Carroll, Pamela Drake, Robert Fisher, Christopher Franks, Howard Hamilton; Sally Hanks, Dr. Ian Johnson, Belinda Loveluck-Edwards and Nicholas Wood

  • Environment and Regeneration  

    Chair: Councillor Susan Lloyd-Selby;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Catherine Iannucci-Williams;

    Councillors: Charles Champion, Pamela Drake, Vince Driscoll (suspended for the period 8 August, 2024 to 7 November, 2024 (inclusive)), Anthony Ernest, Mark Hooper, Jayne Norman, Elliot Penn, Joanna Protheroe and Steffan Wiliam

  • Healthy Living and Social Care 

    Chair: Councillor Janice Charles;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Neil Thomas;

    Councillors: Gareth Ball, Ian Buckley; Christine Cave, Millie Collins, Marianne Cowpe, Russell Godfrey, Susan Lloyd-Selby, Julie Lynch-Wilson, Jayne Norman and Carys Stallard 

  • Homes and Safe Communities 

    Chair: Councillor Millie Collins;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Belinda Loveluck-Edwards;

    Councillors: Julie Aviet, Gareth Ball, Stephen Haines, Sally Hanks, William Hennessy, Susan Lloyd-Selby, Michael Morgan and Helen Payne (plus two vacancies)


    One representative, as a non-voting observer, from each of the following organisation:

    Citizens Advice Cardiff and Vale

    plus four representatives from Tenant Working Group / Panel

  • Learning and Culture 

    Chair: Councillor Rhys Thomas;

    Vice-Chair: Councillor Helen Payne;

    Councillors: Anne Asbrey, Samantha Campbell, Wendy Gilligan, Emma Goodjohn, Ewan Goodjohn, Stephen Haines, William Hennessy, Nic Hodges, Julie Lynch-Wilson and Naomi Marshallsea 


    Also invited to attend as co-opted members:



    Roman Catholic Church

    Church in Wales

    Parent Governor - Secondary Sector

    Parent Governor - Primary Sector


    Also invited to attend as non-voting observers:


    Welsh Medium Education


    Vale Youth Forum x 2

    Vale Youth Council x 2


    Free Churches







Current Work Programmes

Usually at the first meeting in the Municipal Year, each Scrutiny Committee will consider the Cabinet Forward Work Programme and determine its priorities for the coming year.


The Cabinet Forward Work Programme will include details (as far as is known) of those areas which it is intended will be subject to "Pre-Cabinet Scrutiny" prior to a formal decision being made.  The Cabinet Forward Work Programme should, in turn, form a key element when the Work Programmes of the Scrutiny Committees are being drawn up. 



Scrutiny Committee Work Programmes 

Scrutiny Committee Work Programmes are monitored on a regular basis and considered by each Committee on a quarterly basis.



For more information or for assistance, please contact: