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Care and Support Services

Most of us want to have control over our lives and to live as independently as possible, but sometimes we need extra support to do this.


We provide and arrange care services for adults who need support, care or protection, including people leaving hospital and carers in difficult situations. We may provide any of the following to help you live more independently: 

  • information and advice.

  • support to engage in day opportunities in your local community.

  • support to enable you to access training or employment.

  • short breaks for carers.

  • home adaptations or special equipment to help people with an illness or disability with their everyday activities.

  • communication equipment to monitor your safety and enable you to call for help or provide you with.

  • supported accommodation or residential or nursing home care.

  • personal care and support provided in your home.


Am I entitled to services?

If you are an adult with social care needs that might affect your health, safety or independence, you may need extra support.  We have a duty to assess your needs and ensure they are met in a way that best suits you.


The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act is a law that gives you more of a say in the care and support you receive.  It places a greater emphasis on promoting people’s independence to give them a stronger voice and control. 


The assessment process for care and support is based on what matters to you. It considers personal strengths, support available from family members, friends and others in the community.




Some of the people who receive support from social services agreed to tell their story on video:





Care and Support Services





Looking After Your Wellbeing